
Tricks: Teaching Your Dog to High Five

/, Pet/Tricks: Teaching Your Dog to High Five


Tricks: Teaching Your Dog to High Five

Next time your furry friend does something great, celebrate together with a high five! It's simple and fun to teach your companion this cute trick, and it will be sure to impress your guests! Not only is it stimulating for your pet to learn new tricks, but it's also a great way for you to bond with your four-legged friend. 

Before you begin training, pick a quiet spot for training with no distractions, grab some treats and teach your pup how to high-five in these five easy steps!

1. Get Dog to Sit

If your dog already knows how to sit on command, then you are off to a great start! You will need your canine companion to be sitting and focused to make lifting the paw easier.

2. Make a Fist and Hold a Treat Inside

Once your dog is sitting, place a treat in your fist and hold it in front of their nose. Wait for your dog to grow impatient and paw at your hand. Once they do, tell them "Yes!" and give them a treat. Repeat the fist-to-nose exercise 5 to 10 times until they paw at your hand consistently.

3. Incorporate the "High Five" Command

Once your dog is consistently tapping at your fist, start introducing the command by saying "High Five!" Place a treat inside your fist and hold it at nose level. Before your pet lifts their paw, say "High Five!" Reward them with the treat only when they perform the command correctly. 

4. Open Your Hand

Once your furry friend is tapping your fist consistently with their paw, start reshaping your hand into a true high five. With no treat in your hand, hold your open palm up to your dog and say the command "high five!" Reward them with a "Yes!" and a treat only when they perform the trick correctly. 

5. Keep Practicing

Repeat the above exercises and reward them with a "Yes!" and a treat only when they do it correctly. If they stand up or jump on your fist with both paws, return to the starting sitting position and try again. If your pet seems to get bored or tired, take a break and pick it back up after a few hours. Keep practicing until they do it the right way consistently!

We told you it would be a piece of cake! With repetition and consistency, your dog can retain many new tricks. Now that your doggo can high five, which trick will you teach them next?!


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Emily Lewis

