
The Excellent Benefits of Chicken Eggs

//The Excellent Benefits of Chicken Eggs


The Excellent Benefits of Chicken Eggs

Did you know your fridge may contain a superfood? That’s right! Chicken eggs are considered a superfood because of the high nutritional value they contain. They provide many beneficial elements essential for adequate health – for humans and animals alike!

Excellent Source of Protein
Chicken eggs are considered a high-quality protein because they contain all nine essential amino acids. Since they are an excellent source of protein, they are classified as a meat.

Excellent Source of Choline
Chicken eggs are a great source for choline, an essential nutrient needed for regulating neurological functions like memory and muscle control, keeping your liver healthy through the breakdown and removal of fats, forming and repairing cell membranes, and more!

Excellent Source of Vitamins
Chicken eggs contain 12/13 essential vitamins, excluding vitamin C.

Excellent Source of Maternal Antibodies
Chickens naturally pass on maternal antibodies to their eggs. Using advance scientific methods, Egg Protein Technology and ELISA, we can harness this benefit to provide antibodies for various uses, such as animal health.

Being an excellent source of protein, choline, vitamins, maternal antibodies, and more, chicken eggs are a remarkable and versatile by-product in the world. How will you use this superfood?   

Lauren Kerby

