Many Americans are reluctant to get a vaccine of any kind for a variety of reasons - religious conviction, communal, generational or political distrust of vaccine efficacy and purpose. The Atlantic magazine recently noted people living in rural areas "tend to be politically conservative and are among the most fervently opposed to inoculation." That may be an exaggeration. And don't count pork industry workers among that generalization.
The National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) recently said that many of its members are getting vaccinated against COVID-19. NPPC leaders attribute the surge in vaccinations to a Council campaign stressing to producers, processors and packers that "You are essential, so it's essential." The theme underscores the argument that pork industry workers are essential to the nation's supply of meat protein products, especially when supply chains are disrupted as they were early in the pandemic. The campaign also includes distribution of information about the shot in several languages from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
In a release from Feed Strategy journal, April 16, staff reporter Anne Reus said, "Several of the major meat and poultry producers, including JBS USA, Pilgrim's Pride, Perdue Farms and Foster Farms have held on-site vaccination clinics for their employees, and some are even offering bonuses and other incentives to encourage vaccination." Early in the vaccination campaign, noted Reus, the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW) - the largest union representing workers in the food processing and retailing industries - called on the CDC to prioritize essential workers in grocery, meatpacking and food processing for early COVID-19 vaccine access.
During a media conference call April 15, NPPC president-elect Terry Wolters said, "I have yet to talk to a producer who has told me they have no interest in getting vaccinated, that they won't support it," He added, "We care for livestock every day; it's part of our daily routine to vaccinate and prevent disease, so I would say the majority of our people are on board with it."
Source: National Pork Producers Council; The Atlantic, April 14, 2021; Feed Strategy, April 16, 2021.