


At Durvet, Trade Show Season Is Upon Us

Trade Show Season. Those words may mean different things to different people, but at Durvet, it means we’re about to get VERY busy. For us Durvet folks, trade show season is usually centered around two times of the year, Spring and Fall. Trade shows are basically of two varieties: Industry-Related Shows – Annual industry-related trade [...]

By | September 14th, 2016|Durvet Culture and Marketing|Comments Off on At Durvet, Trade Show Season Is Upon Us

VFD: It’s Coming Like a Tidal Wave

When you walk into the local feed store after the first of the year, many will be surprised to find out what is no longer available to use for controlling diseases in farm animals. When I talk to people that have a have a few chickens, some pigs or a goat hanging around, they tell [...]

By | September 14th, 2016|Cattle, Dewormers and Insect Control, FDA Updates, Poultry, Sheep and Goat, Supportive Therapies and Vitamins, Swine|Comments Off on VFD: It’s Coming Like a Tidal Wave

Have You Thanked The Unsung Heroes In Your Life Lately?

Have you thanked the unsung heroes in your life lately? I had the privilege of meeting one of Missouri’s finest a few days ago…a Missouri Highway Patrolman named Cpl Rick Scism. I know what you’re thinking!  You’re thinking that means Todd got caught speeding or doing some unlawful deed, right?  Well, fortunately for me you’d [...]

By | August 10th, 2016|Durvet Culture and Marketing|Comments Off on Have You Thanked The Unsung Heroes In Your Life Lately?

Don’t OVER SELL Yourself

We’ve all read the sales leadership articles on how to sell, make the competition disappear, or make your interview great. Whether it’s selling a product, a service or yourself as a potential future employee, a lot of these articles make several good and valuable points. Have confidence, know your product, and know your customer. However, not [...]

By | August 10th, 2016|Durvet Culture and Marketing|Comments Off on Don’t OVER SELL Yourself

Meet The DuraMom!

When I responded to the ad for Controller at Durvet, the listing described the duties of the position: Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Billing, and Banking. There were other items that were discussed in my interviews like liability and health insurance, Human Resources, and the yearly audit. But there’s one important piece that was never discussed [...]

By | August 10th, 2016|Durvet Culture and Marketing|Comments Off on Meet The DuraMom!

I’m Bee-coming Fascinated With Bees

I would like to start this blog post off with a little disclaimer: I’m in no way, shape or form any type of expert on bees, their nutrition, honey production or disease! I’m just a guy who, when our company asked “Would anyone be interested in going to a seminar about beekeeping to learn more [...]

By | August 10th, 2016|Supportive Therapies and Vitamins|Comments Off on I’m Bee-coming Fascinated With Bees

Lessons from 16 Years of Sales Pro

Sales Pro 2016 is in the books! Hats off to everyone who participated in making this annual event another great success. We’ve been doing this event every year since 2000, moving it from city to city and exposing our distributor salespeople to many different parts of the country. I think back to 16 years ago [...]

By | July 13th, 2016|Durvet Culture and Marketing|Comments Off on Lessons from 16 Years of Sales Pro

5 Tips for Keeping Your Chickens Cool

The 4th of July has come and gone, meaning the summer heat is upon us. I love Summer and I’m one of those people who would much rather be hot than cold. While I enjoy the summer heat, some of our animals friends may not…specifically, the two-legged & feathered kind. […]

By | July 13th, 2016|Poultry|Comments Off on 5 Tips for Keeping Your Chickens Cool

How To Bathe A Feral Pig

Recently I took a call from an elderly lady in North Georgia. Mrs. Olson had recently received a pig as a gift and her question was how to shampoo this newly acquired “prize”.  I will try to recall the conversation as best as I remember it. “Mrs. Olson, please tell me about your pig and [...]

By | July 13th, 2016|Durvet Culture and Marketing, Swine|Comments Off on How To Bathe A Feral Pig

How Your Store’s Curb Appeal Is A Lot Like Dating

Marriage for me is awesome and I must say I got the best husband ever but……remember the adventures of dating? Now take a moment and really “visualize” what you went through when you were out looking to meet that perfect person (or as one of my coworkers said…it was just that “pretty face” he was [...]

By | July 13th, 2016|Durvet Culture and Marketing|Comments Off on How Your Store’s Curb Appeal Is A Lot Like Dating