


Keeping Livestock Healthy: Internal Parasite Control is a Year-round Business

The cattle industry loses about $3 billion each year in lost weight gains, poor feed conversion and increased disease because of internal parasites, says Mark Alley, DVM, Managing Veterinarian at Zoetis, in a recent report. With the financial impact and animal welfare concerns for cattle operations, he adds, it is important for producers to understand [...]

By | February 8th, 2017|Cattle, Dewormers and Insect Control, Equine, Farm and Home, Poultry, Sheep and Goat, Swine|Comments Off on Keeping Livestock Healthy: Internal Parasite Control is a Year-round Business

“Should we hatch chicks again this year?”

It’s that time of year again.  My wife says, “Should we hatch chicks again this year?”  This is an opportunity she discovered over 10 years ago when our oldest was still in preschool.  Now she’s in high school and driving. But I have 4 daughters and the youngest has taken over the helm of the [...]

By | January 12th, 2017|Durvet Culture and Marketing, Farm and Home, Poultry, Supportive Therapies and Vitamins, Wound Care, Topicals and Pain Relief|Comments Off on “Should we hatch chicks again this year?”

VFD: D-Day Came on January 1, 2017

You didn’t think it would actually happen, did you? The rumors of a last-minute delay... or outright reversal of changes in how we treat animals with antibiotics... Didn't happen. Gone are the use of these compounds for growth promotion and the increase in feed efficacy in livestock feeds. Gone are the use of feed additives for anything [...]

By | January 4th, 2017|Cattle, Dewormers and Insect Control, Farm and Home, FDA Updates, Poultry, Sheep and Goat, Swine|Comments Off on VFD: D-Day Came on January 1, 2017

The Senior Horse Has a Lot to Offer

Here’s something to think about… Middle age for humans begins at about 45. Middle age for your horse begins at around 15, with a life expectancy of about 30. Along the way, the inevitable signposts of aging begin appearing, including weight loss, a somewhat swayed back, the reduced muscle around the withers and haunches, and a [...]

By | January 4th, 2017|Equine, Supportive Therapies and Vitamins|Comments Off on The Senior Horse Has a Lot to Offer

Shipping 101: The Challenges of Old Man Winter

I’m a true believer of the four seasons in weather. There’s an old saying we’ve all heard before: “If you don’t like the weather currently, stay around a few hours because it will change.”   At Durvet, we deal with the change of seasons in our business. The weather, winter or summer, dictates whether we can ship [...]

By | January 4th, 2017|Durvet Culture and Marketing|Comments Off on Shipping 101: The Challenges of Old Man Winter

Durvet Inventory: A Great Time Was Had By All!

As the holidays get closer, Durvet employees know that it’s always the time annual inventory rolls around. This is a day were Durvet closes down and all office employees come in starting bright and early at 7 a.m. sharp! […]

By | December 5th, 2016|Durvet Culture and Marketing|Comments Off on Durvet Inventory: A Great Time Was Had By All!

Top Shelf Marketing

Have you ever wondered why things are placed on shelves the way they are? Have you ever looked at grocery store shelves and wondered about the thought process that went into building the modular (shelving plan)? In one of my past jobs, I had the opportunity to work for one of the top marketers in [...]

By | December 5th, 2016|Durvet Culture and Marketing|Comments Off on Top Shelf Marketing

Keep Your Pets Safe This Holiday Season

When they asked me to write this blog, I thought I needed to do some research so I could sound like a professional. Everything I found involving pets and Christmas paraphernalia tended to be negative….things like pets consuming things they shouldn’t, which resulted in diarrhea, vomiting or even worse. Wow! Not a good way to [...]

By | December 5th, 2016|Pet|Comments Off on Keep Your Pets Safe This Holiday Season

It’s Time to Prepare Your Horses for Winter

It’s getting to be that time of the year – less daylight hours and more hair starting to grow on  your horse’s coat. That means it’s time to prepare for Old Man Winter. Use the tips below to help protect you, your horse, barn, and trailer from sleet, snow, mud and the bitter cold that [...]

By | December 5th, 2016|Equine, Farm and Home|Comments Off on It’s Time to Prepare Your Horses for Winter