


Product Spotlight: DuraMectin Paste

DuraMectin Paste is an economical purchase for Equine Owners. For use in horses. Benefits:  Each syringe will treat up to 1250 lbs of body weight.  A potent antiparasitic agent that is neither a benzimidazole nor an Organophosphate. Allows horses to reach their full potential by providing effective, safe parasite protection. Product size:  6.08 syringe  All [...]

By | September 8th, 2018|Dewormers and Insect Control, Equine, Product Spotlight|Comments Off on Product Spotlight: DuraMectin Paste

Product Spotlight: Focus® Cat Vax 3

For first shots and booster, Focus® Cat Vax 3  offers 3-way protection and aid in the prevention of disease caused by feline Rhinotracheitis, Calici, and Panleukopenia (feline distemper) viruses. Product Size: Single-dose with a syringe Approved For Use On: Cats and kittens 8 weeks of age or older. Benefits: Injectable for easy administration in adult cats Meets or exceeds all [...]

By | August 26th, 2018|Pet, Product Spotlight, Vaccines|Comments Off on Product Spotlight: Focus® Cat Vax 3

Our House was Taken by Storm

When our kids were little, we had a dog that I nicknamed “Cujo”.  For those of you that are old enough to remember, Cujo was a dog that got rabies and trapped a mother and her child inside a hot car.  Our dog did not have rabies but I think by his nickname you get [...]

By | August 20th, 2018|Durvet Culture and Marketing, Pet|Comments Off on Our House was Taken by Storm

Product Spotlight: DuraLyte-A, DuraLyte-C and DuraLyte-T

Apple flavored DuraLyte A, cherry flavored Duralyte C and tropical fruit flavored DuraLyte T are supplements designed for the support of normal recovery time after strenuous activity and help maintain a normal electrolyte balance year round. For Use On: Horses Product Size: 5 lb. jar, up to an 80 day supply  Benefits: Electrolyte & trace mineral [...]

By | August 17th, 2018|Equine, Product Spotlight, Supportive Therapies and Vitamins|Comments Off on Product Spotlight: DuraLyte-A, DuraLyte-C and DuraLyte-T

The Wheels on the Trailer Go, Round and Round

It’s that time of year again when people will load up and head to the fair or their favorite trail.  Safety should always come first when it comes to our favorite equine companions. What are some things that come to mind before heading out on the open road? Tires, brakes, lights, fluid levels, equipment checks, [...]

By | August 15th, 2018|Equine, Farm and Home|Comments Off on The Wheels on the Trailer Go, Round and Round

Internal Parasites Threaten Herd Performance and Profits

Internal parasites can wreak havoc on your herd. That’s why an effective deworming program is an essential cornerstone of your herd health plan. Strategic deworming starts with understanding the life cycle of these pesky parasites and the effects they can have on cattle. How cattle get parasites It's important to understand that a parasite lives [...]

By | August 10th, 2018|Cattle|Comments Off on Internal Parasites Threaten Herd Performance and Profits

Show Time! Tips to Keep Livestock Cool

It’s fair season at your local county and state fairs and dang, it’s hot! Rolling into August and September reminds us of fair season. Kids in 4-H and FFA are busy getting their animals prepped for the season. In many parts of the country, they have experienced hotter than usual temperatures this summer. To keep [...]

By | August 8th, 2018|Cattle, Wound Care, Topicals and Pain Relief|Comments Off on Show Time! Tips to Keep Livestock Cool

Product Spotlight: DuraLyte Calf

Product Size: 30 gm tube Ideal for Ranchers, Dairy Farmers, Cattlemen, and Show Cattle Owners Benefits: Contains Montmorillonite clay – a special type of clay known for its effectiveness in binding toxins which can slow the onslaught of scours Contains Electrolytes – used to replace essential minerals lost during scours Safe to use as adjunct therapy – [...]

By | August 5th, 2018|Cattle, Product Spotlight, Supportive Therapies and Vitamins|Comments Off on Product Spotlight: DuraLyte Calf

Understanding Clostridia: A sneaky bacteria

Vaccination vital to prevent blackleg and other clostridial diseases in livestock Several life-threatening livestock diseases are caused by bacteria called clostridia. These diseases are extremely aggressive and nearly always fatal. As a responsible animal owner, there are many ways to provide the best care for your stock when it comes to clostridial diseases – among them, vaccination is [...]

By | May 10th, 2018|Cattle, Vaccines|Comments Off on Understanding Clostridia: A sneaky bacteria

10 Ways to Stay Healthy at Work This Holiday Season

Photo by: Derek Simpson Just because you’re at work does not mean you can’t take care of yourself – in fact, you need to be more focused on ways to be healthy. You are spending quite a bit of time there, why not try to make it most of it – here are 10 ways [...]

By | November 22nd, 2017|Durvet Culture and Marketing, Supportive Therapies and Vitamins|Comments Off on 10 Ways to Stay Healthy at Work This Holiday Season