


Product Spotlight: GainIT!™

GainIT!™ is a premium concentrated, high-fat supplement for horses. Aspergillus oryzae has been added to support a healthy digestive function. Formulated to provide extra calories needed for weight gain, support of normal physical and mental performance, and healthy skin/coat condition while helping to maintain proper gut pH.   Product sizes: 8 lb. pail (includes a [...]

By | November 3rd, 2019|Equine, Product Spotlight, Supportive Therapies and Vitamins|Comments Off on Product Spotlight: GainIT!™

Celebrating National Pet Wellness Month

It’s that time of the year again, wherein many parts of the country the temperatures are getting cooler and fall colors are in full view.  Not only does October represent the ushering in of fall, but it also represents another important reminder for pet owners: National Pet Wellness Month!  Not that most pet parents need [...]

By | October 27th, 2019|Durvet Culture and Marketing, Pet, Supportive Therapies and Vitamins|Comments Off on Celebrating National Pet Wellness Month

Product Spotlight: Liquid Wormer™ 2X

Durvet's Liquid Wormer™ 2X is not only used to prevent reinfestation of Toxocara canis in puppies and adult dogs and in lactating bitches after whelping, but also for the removal of large roundworms, (Toxocara canis and Toxascaris leonina) and hookworms, (Ancylostoma caninum and Uncinaria stenocephala) in dogs and puppies.   Product sizes: 2 oz, 8 oz, and 16 oz bottles Approved For Use On: Puppies [...]

By | October 25th, 2019|Dewormers and Insect Control, Pet, Product Spotlight|Comments Off on Product Spotlight: Liquid Wormer™ 2X

Antibiotics for Your Animals – More Changes on the Way

On January 1, 2017, the world of over-the-counter (OTC) animal health antibiotics changed. This was the end of a three-year transition for manufacturers of feed grade and water-soluble antibiotics to change their product labels, removing growth promotion claims and restricting these items to veterinary oversight. Up until recently, injectable, bolus and intra-mammary antibiotic formulations did [...]

By | October 18th, 2019|Cattle, Dewormers and Insect Control, Equine, Farm and Home, FDA Updates, Poultry, Sheep and Goat, Supportive Therapies and Vitamins, Swine, Wound Care, Topicals and Pain Relief|Comments Off on Antibiotics for Your Animals – More Changes on the Way

What’s in a Name?

One of the first joys of pet ownership is picking out a name for your new 4-legged family member.  For some, this may come easy, but for others, deciding on a name is a task that requires much thought.  On average, dogs live 10-13 years so you will be stuck with whatever name you choose [...]

By | October 15th, 2019|Durvet Culture and Marketing, Pet|Comments Off on What’s in a Name?

Product Spotlight: Chlorhexidine Solution

Durvet's Chlorhexidine Solution is a topical cleaning solution is designed to be applied on superficial cuts, abrasions or insect stings. Relieve your horse or dog of irritations by submerging the bothered area into the aqueous cleaning solution and wiping away excess liquid with a sterile gauze or sponge.   Product sizes: 16 oz and Gallon Approved For [...]

By | October 11th, 2019|Equine, Pet, Product Spotlight, Wound Care, Topicals and Pain Relief|Comments Off on Product Spotlight: Chlorhexidine Solution

10 Interesting Facts About Chickens

There are some things you can’t learn in a book or research online. Sometimes you just have to learn by doing. Having your own flock means getting your hands dirty, learning the ins and outs, and understanding what to do and what NOT to do. We thought after reading books and asking friends we had [...]

By | October 8th, 2019|Farm and Home, Poultry, Supportive Therapies and Vitamins, Wound Care, Topicals and Pain Relief|Comments Off on 10 Interesting Facts About Chickens

Product Spotlight: Maxi-B 1000

Durvet’s highest level of vitamin B12 available. For use as a supplemental source of B Complex vitamins in cattle, swine, and sheep. Maxi-B 1000 contains B12, B1, B6, and B2.   Product sizes: 100 mL and 250 mL Approved For Use On: Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Sheep, and Swine Directions: Subcutaneous or Intramuscular injection is recommended [...]

By | October 6th, 2019|Cattle, Farm and Home, Product Spotlight, Sheep and Goat, Swine|Comments Off on Product Spotlight: Maxi-B 1000

Zylkene® Equine Helps Horses Focus

Distracted by kids playing and golf carts buzzing by. Washed out in the starting gate. Spooked by the crowd in the indoor area. Unable to master a flying lead change. All of these are common challenges faced by riders as they train and compete with their horses. The common denominator is stress and the lack [...]

By | October 4th, 2019|Equine, Supportive Therapies and Vitamins|Comments Off on Zylkene® Equine Helps Horses Focus

Product Spotlight: Pyrantel-S Swine Anthelmintic

Pyrantel-S Type C Medicated Feed Swine Anthelmintic containing Banminth® (Pyrantel Tartrate) is indicated for removal and control of large roundworm (Ascaris suum) and nodular worm (Oesophagostomum) infections in swine. Product sizes: 5 lb bag Approved For Use On: Swine Benefits: Removes and controls large roundworms and nodular worms Easy to feed pellet form Scoop included measures approximately 0.50 [...]

By | October 3rd, 2019|Dewormers and Insect Control, Product Spotlight, Swine|Comments Off on Product Spotlight: Pyrantel-S Swine Anthelmintic