
How To Prepare For A New Pet

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How To Prepare For A New Pet

Due to recent events, the number of people bringing home or adopting a new pet has spiked. This is a problem every breeder and shelter loves to have, but new owners should be informed and prepared before bringing home a new member of the family. Here are ways to prepare for a new pet in the house:

Consider your reasoning for getting a pet before making the commitment. Making sure you have the correct lifestyle for a pet is important. Doing your research on specific animals or breeds can help to ensure your personality matches what the pet needs. Also, make sure you have the correct environment to keep your new pet happy.

Pet-Proof Your Home
You will need to prepare for a new pet by making your home safe for them. Things such as securing the trash, putting personal items away and keeping small, hazardous items out of reach are important to keep your pet safe. Other things to consider are removing toxic plants and foods from the home.

Prepare a Personal Space for Your Pet
Organizing a comfortable and safe place for your pet is important. Whether it be a kennel, exercise pen or a closed off room, designating a space for your pet gives them a place where they can feel secure and will help alleviate behavior issues when you have to be away from them. You can also provide toys, water and a bed to make them more comfortable. 

Establish House Rules
Before bringing a pet home, it is a good idea to sit down as a family and divide responsibilities among each person. Even small children can help with easy tasks such as filling the water bowl each day. Dividing up the daily 'chores' related to new pets can make the added work less stressful and also gives each family member a chance to bond with their new pet. 

Get the Supplies You Need
It is obvious that your new pet will need a few of their own belongings. Some basic things your pet will need are: a kennel, collar and leash, food and water bowls, food and of course, a few toys. An identification tag that includes your phone number is also a great idea!

Find a Veterinarian for Your Pet
Find a vet close to you that can help with annual check-ups, vaccines, etc. It is important to have a good relationship with your vet, so that you may ask questions about your animal's health. It is also a great idea to write their phone number down in the house in case of emergencies. 


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Emily Lewis

