Hoof Vet 1-2-3 is safe and effective for complete treatment of bacterial and fungal hoof problems on all hoofed animals.
Product size: All products available in gallon, 30 gallons, or 55-gallon drums
Approved For Use On: Cattle and Horses and all hoofed animals.
HOOFVET 1 | Copper-Sol Footbath
- Longer duration of activity
- Less cost to the producer
- Increased production from the animal
- Dye component to visually check for animal treatment
HOOFVET 2 | Zinc-Sol Footbath
- Option to rotate away from copper compounds and formaldehyde
- Safe for all livestock
- Liquid zinc to stay in suspension for an extended period of time
- Stabitrol technology to improve absorption into the hoof wall
HOOFVET 3 | Super Zin-Cop Footbath
- Zinc + Copper Combo
- For severe hoof problems
- Formaldehyde-free
- Safe for cattle and horses
- Specifically designed to protect against RESISTANCE
Directions for use: Hoof 1-2-3 concentrated mixed with water to a dilution rate of 1:500 gallons will provide prevention and curative treatment for foot rot in hoofed animals.
Hoof 1-2-3 Amount | Gallons of Water | Final Solution |
8 oz | 31.25 | 31.31 Gallons |
1 Pint | 62.5 | 62.626 Gallons |
1 Quart | 125 | 125.25 Gallons |
1 Gallon | 500 | 501 Gallons |
CAUTION: Sheep are highly sensitive to copper. Do not allow ingestion of the concentrated or diluted product.