- 43.6 million U.S. households own one or more pets
- Ivomec registered for use with cattle
- Durvet sales reach $10 million
- The Center for the Human Animal-Bond is established at the Purdue School of Veterinary Medicine: the concept of this bond is the engine that drives veterinary medicine and companion animal health care to new heights
- Drontil introduced - a broad spectrum worming product for dogs and cats that, for the first time, effectively controls roundworms and tapeworms with one tablet
- Hatch-Waxman Act introduces the era of facilitated manufacture, registration and use of generic drugs
- President Ronald Reagan says of the Hatch-Waxman Act: "This bill will provide regulatory relief, increased competition, economy in government, and best of all, the American people will save money, and yet receive the best medicine that pharmaceutical science can provide."
- Durvet realigns its corporate structure - registering as a Missouri Corporation - operating as a cooperative and initiates a dividend payout to member distributors
- The Hatch-Waxman Act is extended to include the generic production of animal pharmaceuticals
- Durvet sales top $20 million
- Animal health companies - Durvet included - embrace generic drugs as a way to private label products
- The generic drug scandal breaks when government budget concerns force cut backs on regulation programs and regulators
The 1980's Vital Statistics
- U.S. Population: 226,546,000
- Average Salary: $15,757
- Average Cost of Home: $68,700
- Life Expectancy:
- Male: 70
- Female: 78
- Average Consumer Costs:
- New BMW auto: $12,000
- Gallon of gas: $1.08
- National Debt: $914 billion; $2 trillion by 1985