
Farm and Home

/Farm and Home

The Wheels on the Trailer Go, Round and Round

It’s that time of year again when people will load up and head to the fair or their favorite trail.  Safety should always come first when it comes to our favorite equine companions. What are some things that come to mind before heading out on the open road? Tires, brakes, lights, fluid levels, equipment checks, [...]

By | August 15th, 2018|Equine, Farm and Home|0 Comments

Product Spotlight: Down 2 Earth – Diatomaceous Earth

Product Size: 2lb Shaker Jar Ideal for animal owners and gardeners Benefits: • Food Grade with no added chemicals • The high absorption capacity of Down2Earth™ DE makes it an ideal blending agent for use in animal feed to eliminate clumping, especially with bulk storage and transfer applications. • It’s an inert carrier and an [...]

By | November 8th, 2017|Dewormers and Insect Control, Farm and Home, Product Spotlight|Comments Off on Product Spotlight: Down 2 Earth – Diatomaceous Earth

They’re A Natural: EQyss Provides Botanical Grooming Solutions for Over 25 Years

It’s that time of year. Summer. Heat, dust, and flying insects are a big part of most of our days as equestrians, and we’re constantly reaching for fly spray to ward them off or for the shampoo bucket, not only to get that show ring shine, but also to cool our horses. But do you [...]

By | September 12th, 2017|Equine, Farm and Home|0 Comments

Equine First Aid Medical Bag Checklist

My mother always told me, “Horses are accidents waiting to happen." I find that this is especially true on a weekend…away from home…with no veterinarian around. Between my 30 years and my mother’s 50 years of horse ownership, we've put together a very comprehensive medical bag. My bag stays in my horse trailer at all [...]

Gardening in the Midwest: Beetles, Deer and Groundhogs, Oh My!

Gardening in the Midwest always presents a challenge. Unpredictable is the best way to describe our rainfall and temperature patterns, with records highs and lows often being the norm. Factor in some common pests like ants and squirrels and you’ve got your hands full. Over the years, these challenges have been easily overcome by Bobby [...]

Guest Post: Protect Your Home, Farm and Animals from Unwanted Pests

Rodent populations remain at all-time highs!  Protect your home, farm, and animals from unwanted pests with a well-managed rodent control program. Controlling rats and mice is a constant battle that has been fought for centuries. In recent years, however, milder weather patterns have created ideal conditions for rodent reproduction and increased populations. This creates numerous problems [...]

By | August 9th, 2017|Farm and Home|1 Comment

Colic and Horses: What You Need to Know

As a horse owner, the word COLIC can cause fear and panic! For those who aren't familiar with colic, it's the leading medical cause of death in horses. Technically, colic refers to pain in a horse’s abdomen, although colic episodes typically reflect conditions of the colon. While colic can include a simple blockage, a spasm in the [...]

“Chill Out!” – Summertime Safety for Backyard Poultry

For most of us, summertime is for vacations, sandy beaches, celebrations, and beautiful weather. For the poultry enthusiast, we always have that lingering worry in the back of our mind about our chickens’ ability to endure the rising temperatures.  Chickens are no different than the rest of us in having their own ways of regulating [...]

A Story About Green Thumbs and the Durvet Difference

At Durvet, we pride ourselves on being different. Our core values are centered on providing superior customer service and focusing on people. We strive to make personal connections at all levels of our business from vendors to distributor members and consumers. These connections further our efforts to provide superior customer service. About 10 years ago, [...]

By | June 19th, 2017|Durvet Culture and Marketing, Farm and Home|0 Comments