Your prescription for a healthy pond. Aquavet is a full line of pond management solutions manufactured with the latest technological advances in aquatic science.
Preventative Scipts
Blue Pond Dye
Featuring Suspend™ Technology
Enhances depth by adding a beautiful blue color to your pond or lake.
Just pour/throw in from shore. Stays in suspension longer creating depth protection.
1 liquid gallon treats 1 acre 4-6 ft deep.
1 throw pack will treat 1/4 acre 4-6 ft deep.
Black Pond Dye
Featuring Suspend™ Technology
Enhances depth by adding a beautiful mirror-like black to your pond.
Just pour/throw in from shore. Stays in suspension longer creating depth protection.
1 liquid gallon treats 1 acre 4-6 ft deep.
1 throw pack will treat 1/4 acre 4-6 ft deep.
Bio Pond Cleaner
Featuring BioStart™ Complex
Natural much and sludge removal in water with heavy organic debris loads.
Highly concentrated probiotic formula enhances natural bacteria to aid in decomposition of sludge and bottom muck. Treat all year long with cold/warm water strains. BioStart complex offers new technology to provide starter food for spores upon entry to water. Apply monthly for 90 days then every other month until muck is gone.
1 liquid gallon or 4 throw packs will treat 1 surface acre up to 4-6 ft deep.
Curative Scripts
Surf Surfactant
With Activation Technology
Non-iconic water-soluble product that enhances the effectiveness of aquatic & agricultural chemicals.
The addition of AquaVet SURF improves the absorption of post-emergence herbicides. With SURF, plants are covered better with spray and the herbicide also reaches depressions in the leaf's surface and adheres to them.
Algae Control
Algaecide and Herbicide
Treatment for killing floating, submerged and planktonic algae in ponds/lakes.
Spring application. Algae forming on the bottom of pond & water temperature above 60 degrees.
30 day residual suspension using Stabitrol technology to aid in control of Algae.
1 gallon + 9 gallons of water/acre will contact kill algae. (See label chart for specific algae type.
DO NOT treat more that 1/4-1/3 of the surface area of pond at one time to avoid oxygen depletion due to vegetation death. Wait 7-10 days between treatments. Re-treatment during season will be needed. Treat when algae is in early stages. 100% safe for water use immediately.
Submerged Weeds
Landscape & Aquatic Herbicide
Fast kill of surface and submerged weeds.
No residual week control. Effective in burning off duckweed and watermeal mats - add non-ionic surfactant to enhance kill.
Can be mixed with AquaVet Algae control for synergistic control of submerged aquatic weeds (see label rates).
1 quart with 25 gallons water plus 8 oz. of Surfactant treats 10,000 sq. ft. surfact area. Treat clear calm water (avoid turbid, muddy water).
Shoreline Weeds
Landscape & Aquatic Herbicide
Effective herbicide treatment for emergent weeds along shoreline.
Weeds must be present to control (Cattails and other emergent vegetation). Best kill when emerged weeds are actively growing - add non-ionic surfactant to enhance uptake of chemical. Non-selective kills vegetation that receives treatment to the root.
1.5 oz. per gallon of water plus 2 tsp/gallon surfactant of water. 1 qt makes up to 25 gallons spray solution. Treats up to 10,000 sq ft/1/4 acre of target weeds. Thoroughly cover weeds for optimum kill. Safe for fish, swimming, waterfowl and livestock.
Copper Sulfate
Algae Control
Treatment for killing floating, submerged and planktonic algae in ponds/lakes.
Use 2.5 to 4 lbs granules per acre mixed with 10-15 gallons of water. Dissolve completely and spray over the top of algae mats.
DO NOT treat more than 1/4 to 1/3 of the surface area of pond at one time to avoid oxygen depletion due to vegetation death. Wait 7-10 days between treatments. Re-treatment during season will be needed. Treat algae in early stages. 100% safe for water use immediately.
Please Note: This information is for educational purposes only and not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. In all cases, it is each owner's responsibility to obtain veterinary services and advice before using any of the information provided. Durvet encourages owners to make their own animal health care decisions in partnership with their veterinarian. Please read all labels carefully. Product is for veterinary use only. Not intended for use in humans.