- Phoenix Scientific, Inc. is founded by a group of distributors to make bio-equivalent (generic) pharmaceuticals for private labeling. By 1991, PSI completed the construction of its state-of-the-art GMP (good manufacturing process) plant. In 1994, PSI would receive approval for its first Abbreviated New Animal Drug Application.
- 50 million U.S. households own one or more pets
- "Durvet is focused on supplying more products to the market," declares President Bob Hormann, "20-30 new product lines per year is our goal. Introducing products, maintaining flexibility in our operation and expanding our facilities symbolizes our long-term commitment to the animal healthcare market."
- Durvet sales top $30 million
- Durvet moved into its current modern facilities with 39,000 square feet of warehouse space
- Advantage (TM) flea and tick control is introduced, igniting a marketing war as Bayer aims its advertising directly to pet owners (instead of veterinarians); promotional costs rise exponentially to more than $100 million
- Merial sues Phoenix Scientific, Inc. claiming its generic ivermectin infringes on their patent
- Durvet sales top $40 million
- Durvet steps up diversification of its product line, getting more involved in the companion animal market while maintaining its commitment to its core business - livestock
- Merial and Phoenix settle their legal differences; Merial grants Phoenix the right to make its own 1% injectable ivermectin products
The 1990's Vital Statistics
- U.S. Population: 248,709,873
- Average Salary: $28,960
- Average Cost of Home: $123,000
- Life Expectancy:
- Male: 73
- Female: 80
- Average Consumer Costs:
- New car: $16,000
- Gallon of gas: $1.15
- National Debt: $3.2 trillion, $5.4 trillion by 1999