
Preparing Your Coop For Winter


Preparing Your Coop For Winter

Winterizing your coop will make for a much more comfortable winter season for your flock. Chickens do surprisingly well outside in the cold weather, but you must take the proper steps to make sure they stay happy and healthy throughout the long, cold winter months. 

1. Deep Clean the Coop

Fall is the perfect time to do a deep clean of your chicken coop. It is best to let the chickens out for free range in the morning, and clean early so it is dry when the chickens go to sleep for the night. Start by removing all of the soiled bedding in the coop. Then, get out the brushes and soap and start scrubbing! Use hot, soapy water to scrub down every part of the coop, especially high traffic areas. After scrubbing the coop, clean the feeders, waterers and any toys or other items that are in the coop.

2. Insulation and Warmth

Insulating the chicken coop will allow for the coop to be warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. It can also help to regulate humidity. Although expensive, spray foam insulation is the best option. If this isn't possible, hanging wool blankets inside the coop will help keep the heat inside. Spread extra bedding, such as straw, about 6 inches deep throughout the coop. If needed, you can add artificial light and heaters for the waterers, but make sure all wires are out of reach. After insulating, make sure there is good ventilation to keep fresh air flowing in and out of the coop.

3. Check the Coop for Cracks and Holes

Eliminating any drafts will help tremendously in keeping your chickens warm in the winter. Check around your coop for cracks, holes or other damages that could be an entrance for a draft. Patch up holes, fill in cracks with caulk and hang a tarp, wool blanket or a shower curtain cut into strips over the door to keep the winter breeze out. 

Backyard Poultry. 2020. Time To Start Winterizing Chicken Coops - Backyard Poultry. Available at: https://backyardpoultry.iamcountryside.com/coops/winterizing-chicken-coops/ [Accessed 29 October 2020].

Skyer, M. and Skyer, M., 2020. 7 Steps To Winterize The Chicken Coop. [online] Rural Sprout. Available at: https://www.ruralsprout.com/winterize-the-chicken-coop/ [Accessed 29 October 2020].

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